But there's no Tad the Cad in Martin Gray, outside of the character's moniker being an homage to Knight's former alter ego.

Kiberd basically invented a reality show in front of Oprah’s face! That’s so James he was so clever and always creating. The talented actor spent nearly thirty years entertaining daytime fans with his humorous and loveable Pine Valley character, Tad Martin, and now the stage is set for him to win the hearts of GH fans, as well. He said, ‘Oprah reached out, they want to do a Valentine’s Day special where soap stars play Cupid, and who would you hook so-and-so up with? And then they’ll fly that person in.’ James said to them, ‘I don’t want to do it like that, I have a better idea.’ He came up with this idea where he would fly out to Chicago early, go out with a camera crew, and pick out three people at random, strangers, young ladies, and then we would do these quick dates, these 60-second dates onstage so that everybody could see if we had chemistry or not. James Kiberd’s eyebrow really says a lot! James had a nice tan going! He and I did the OPRAH show together in Chicago in 1991. I look like I might be in the 7th grade! I’ve got some really acid-washed jeans and I’m wearing a collared shirt for some reason and I’m not really sure what the hair is doing. With James Kiberd (ex-Trevor) outside of the AMC studio, 1992 “This is another picture where I look like I was probably in puberty.
Tad martin gh serial#
Kiberd basically invented a reality show in front of Oprah’s face! That’s so James he was so clever and always creating.” Michael Edward Knight is an American actor best known for acting on the ABC serial opera All My Children as Tad Martin. It was not lost on viewers that his GH character. He said, ‘Oprah reached out, they want to do a Valentine’s Day special where soap stars play Cupid, and who would you hook so-and-so up with? And then they’ll fly that person in.’ James said to them, ‘I don’t want to do it like that, I have a better idea.’ He came up with this idea where he would fly out to Chicago early, go out with a camera crew, and pick out three people at random, strangers, young ladies, and then we would do these quick dates, these 60-second dates onstage so that everybody could see if we had chemistry or not. Michael EvKnight who portrays Martin is best known for his popular role as Tad Martin on All My Children.